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Web3.js Config Guide

Configuration parameters​

There is list of configuration params that can be set for modifying behavior of different functions in web3.js packages. Following is list of configuration options with details:

Global level Config​

There is option of modifying any of above-mentioned configuration parameter at global level when instantiating Web3, and it will be available to all packages.

import { Web3 } from 'web3';

const web3 = new Web3({
provider: '',
config: {
defaultTransactionType: '0x0',

//now default transaction type will be 0x0 so using following function in eth will send type 0x0 transaction

from: '0x18532dF2Ab835d4E9D07a8b9B759bf5F8f890f49',
to: '0xB2f70d8965e754cc07D343a9b5332876D3070155',
value: 100,
gasLimit: 21000,
.then((res) => console.log(res));

For Advance Users: Global level config can also be set using Web3Context object.

import { Web3, Web3Context } from 'web3';

const context = new Web3Context('');
context.setConfig({ defaultTransactionType: '0x0' });

const web3 = new Web3(context);

//it will not default to 0x0 type transactions
from: '0x18532dF2Ab835d4E9D07a8b9B759bf5F8f890f49',
to: '0x018e221145dE7cefAD09BD53F41c11A918Bf1Cb7',
value: 100,
gasLimit: 21000
}).then(res => console.log(res));

Package level config​

Setting config in Individual Package under Web3 instance​

Some configuration options that effects selected packages can be modified using setConfig(...) function.

import { Web3 } from 'web3';

const web3 = new Web3('');

web3.eth.setConfig({ defaultTransactionType: '0x0'});

from: '0x18532dF2Ab835d4E9D07a8b9B759bf5F8f890f49',
to: '0xB2f70d8965e754cc07D343a9b5332876D3070155',
value: 100,
gasLimit: 21000,
.then((res) => console.log(res));

Setting config in Individually imported Packages​

If an individual package is being imported instead of whole web3.js, there is option of setting config params by passing config in constructors or by using setConfig(...) function:

For example if only web3Eth package is installed using:

npm i web3-eth

Configuration options can be set by passing in constructor:

setConfig in the constructor
import { Web3Eth } from 'web3-eth';

const web3EthObj = new Web3Eth({
provider: '',
config: {
defaultTransactionType: 0x0,

from: '0x18532dF2Ab835d4E9D07a8b9B759bf5F8f890f49',
to: '0x018e221145dE7cefAD09BD53F41c11A918Bf1Cb7',
value: 100,
gasLimit: 21000,
.then((res) => console.log(res));

Another way of setting config for individually imported package is by using setConfig(...) function.

setConfig function
import { Web3Eth } from 'web3-eth';

const web3EthObj = new Web3Eth('');

web3EthObj.setConfig({ defaultTransactionType: 0x0 });

from: '0x18532dF2Ab835d4E9D07a8b9B759bf5F8f890f49',
to: '0x018e221145dE7cefAD09BD53F41c11A918Bf1Cb7',
value: 100,
gasLimit: 21000,
.then((res) => console.log(res));

Getting Current Config​

For getting list of current config params getContextObject().config can be used as :

getContextObject() in Web3 object
import { Web3 } from 'web3';

const web3 = new Web3('');

/* ↳
handleRevert: false,
defaultAccount: undefined,
defaultBlock: 'latest',
transactionBlockTimeout: 50,
transactionConfirmationBlocks: 24,
transactionPollingInterval: 1000,
transactionPollingTimeout: 750000,
transactionReceiptPollingInterval: undefined,
transactionSendTimeout: 750000,
transactionConfirmationPollingInterval: undefined,
blockHeaderTimeout: 10,
maxListenersWarningThreshold: 100,
contractDataInputFill: 'input',
defaultNetworkId: undefined,
defaultChain: 'mainnet',
defaultHardfork: 'london',
defaultCommon: undefined,
defaultTransactionType: '0x2',
defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x9502f900',

For individually imported packages same approach can be used to get current config params.

getContextObject() in an imported package
import { Web3Eth } from 'web3';

const web3 = new Web3Eth('');

/* ↳
handleRevert: false,
defaultAccount: undefined,
defaultBlock: 'latest',
transactionBlockTimeout: 50,
transactionConfirmationBlocks: 24,
transactionPollingInterval: 1000,
transactionPollingTimeout: 750000,